Hello, I am Gustavo, I enjoy taking on challenging ideas in coding
and mathematics. I practice and learn about programming technologies to further my
knowledge and eventually apply them at a project or on the workplace.
I am open for an
oportunity as a Software Engineer intern, mostly on Full Stack or Back End engineering. I have experience on
ASP.NET Core, React, ExpressJS (MERN Stack), and some Python.
This web application is a platform where administrators can create, modify and remove courses, course sections students and instructors. Instructors can create assignments and announcements. Students can make submissions for assignments. Students can also enroll for courses. There are measures that ensure only authorized users can access certain pages, and other features.
ASP NET Core • C# • EntityFramework • MS SQL Server • ReactJS • States/Hooks • Redux Toolkit • Asynchronous ProgrammingThis program runs on Python using TkInter and you connect it with your or your organization's SnipeIT instance, and it allows you to scan, either using the camera or connecting a physical barcode scanner, the barcode of the asset tag / property tag of a device and this will both audit it and update its location. This is useful for keeping track of correct location of assets / devices on an organization using SnipeIT.
Python • TKInter • SnipeIT • ZXINGDeveloped a web app where users can search for Books using an external API, save and edit them. There is a section for users to see a virtual bookshelf for each category the user may add. The web app is fully responsive.
ReactJS • States/Hooks • Redux Toolkit • Asynchronous Programming • Flask • Python • SQLAlchemy • PostgreSQLDeveloped a complete social network application, with users, registration and authentication. Users can post stories, comment, and filter results. Also allowing users to search for other users or posts. Featuring a dark/light theme, the website is also fully responsive.
ReactJS • Redux Toolkit • JSX • ExpressJS • MaterialUI • Material Icons • MongoDB • Mongoose • FormikAn application where users can login, register, and can create, delete, update and share, through a search query, quizes. Quiz questions and answers can be read aloud using Javascript speech library.
Javascript • ReactJS • Redux Toolkit • States/Hooks • MongoDB • ExpressJS • NodeJS • Javascript Speech SynthesisThank you, have a nice day.